Problems in Healthcare Information Technology

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCORI) team, under the department of Health and Human Services, says, “Every day, patients and their caregivers are faced with crucial health care decisions while lacking key information that they need.” 

PCORI goes on to say that we need to translate “…existing scientific research into accessible and useable formats…” 

Dr. Suneetha Moonesinghe says: “The ideal tool would…be simple and quick to use…but such a tool remains elusive.” 

Dr. Richard Fogoros, a cardiologist, wrote: “This analysis shows what seems like a pretty good way to make some big bucks in healthcare while simultaneously saving lives: Figure out how to empower patients. Any enterprise that can supply patients with clear, correct, relevant, personal, and specific knowledge that enables them to protect themselves and their loved ones…will endear itself to those patients. Furthermore, anyone supplying such knowledge will be feeding a growing need for more. People's desire for the information to manage their own healthcare and the means to act on that information will become more than just a desire—it will become an expectation. A massive business opportunity awaits.” 

Dr. Fogoros, who wrote before Treatment Scores Inc. existed, also said, “Nobody knows what patient empowerment will actually look like, because it hasn't been invented yet.” 

The solutions to product transparency (treatment transparency) are Treatment Scores™, Treatment Grades™, and Science of Medicine (SOM®) Scores.

“Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Funding Announcement: Communication and Dissemination.” PCORI. Published May 22, 2012, Revised September 17, 2012, Page 2. Accessed December 1, 2012,
"Study Looks for ‘Best’ Risk Stratification Tool So Patients Make the Most Informed Surgical Decision." News Release from the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), 9/18/2013.

Richard M. Fogoros, M.D., Fixing American Healthcare, 2007, Publish Or Perish DBS, Pittsburg, page 31.

The Evidence has become Unmangeable

“The volume of evidence, especially clinical guidelines, has become unmanageable."

- Greenhalgh T, Howick J, Maskrey N; Evidence Based Medicine Renaissance Group. “Evidence based medicine: a movement in crisis?” BMJ 2014;348:g3725

Science of Medicine Scores™

Science of Medicine Scores™

Treatment Score Analyzer™

Treatment Score Analyzer™
Treatment Score Calculator™
Treatment Score Creator™