Treatment Scores are for the web, mobile web, and digital health. Treatment Scores solve three of healthcare's biggest problems: patient involvement, patient engagement, and shared decision-making. Treatment Scores save time, money, improve quality, and have the potential to solve health illiteracy. Treatment Scores make evidence-based medicine understandable.
Many of the buzzwords currently going around can only truly happen with Treatment Scores:
- personalized medicine
- treatment transparency
- patient empowerment
- patient engagement
- quality-based care
- value-based care
- precision medicine
- informed consent
Cost benefit analyses cannot be done without Treatment Scores.
Think of it in obvious terms. Every year you calculate your net income:
Net income = Gross Income - expenses.
Yet, in the whole history of medicine, we have never routinely calculated the "net treatment benefit for the patient," which we call the Treatment Score.
Treatment Score = gross treatment benefit + side benefits - side effects.
It's a lot of math; often 10,000 variables. Treatment Scores may be a technology a few minutes ahead of its time, because few people understand medical statistics. However, software is solving that problem, because it puts a graphical user interface over the math.
Treatment Scores are likely to help you personally someday. Treatment Sores have the potential to save lives and keep people healthy.