Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY - updated 2019/03/23
Treatment Scores, LLC

We do not intentionally collect your private information; however, you should expect your private information to be collected as is typical of visiting any website hosted by a second or third party, which means there is almost no privacy in this day and age. You are solely responsible for the privacy of your personal information and for that of anyone else's that you have control over. This privacy policy applies across all websites and all services of Treatment Scores, LLC.

Personal information means identifiable information about you, such as your health information, your name, address, telephone number, email, bank information, payment information, comments posted, and so on and so forth.

HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and violating it can cause liability. We cannot accept such liability. Do not send Treatment Scores, LLC, any doctors, or anyone else associated with Treatment Scores, LLC, your private health information. We cannot accept the liability, because it is risky to share private health information via Email, text, the Internet, or by any other method. You are solely responsible for your health information privacy.

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time and you must check back here periodically for updates, as we are not actively collecting contact information by which we could let you know of changes.

Treatment Scores, LLC
2327 Palm Key Ct
Sebring, FL 33870


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