Researching Evidence Based Medicine

As a practicing physician, I like to keep current on my medical knowledge, not only for my specialty, but for diseases and conditions that relate to my specialty. In order to do this, I keep current on journal articles that are mailed to me through my association.  I also try to do some research on my own, especially when an interesting patient comes through my doors.

Researching on the internet is extremely difficult and cumbersome to sift through the endless amounts of information.  How does one determine which websites are accurate and which patient reports are real or worthy of looking in to?  Even in reading current journal articles, it is difficult to determine how good or bad the treatment being discussed is. is a new website designed to organize the net treatment benefit of a variety of diseases and their different treatments.  It aims to quantify the evidence based medicine that already exists and to compare the multitude of studies which are available, and give each treatment a letter score (A-F).  This will provide both physicians and patients, alike, a means of understanding the mass amounts of information that has already been studied.

Below is an example of how some of this information is quantified:

The above diagram represents only one study on depression and minimal hepatic encephalopathy.  Once that entire study has been entered into treatment scores, it will be rated.  As more and more studies are entered with different treatments for depression, with or without hepatic encephalopathy, we will be able to compare the net benefit effects of a variety of treatments for depression. You would then be able to discuss these options with your physician. See the disclaimers below. We are providing education about what happened in the past, not making any recommendations for future patients.

Follow Treatment Scores:

DISCLAIMERS: You must consult your own licensed physician, or other licensed medical professional, for diagnosis, treatment, and for the interpretation of all medical statistics including Treatment Scores. Treatment Scores are for educational purposes only. Treatment Scores may be incomplete, inaccurate, harmful, or even cause death if used for treatment instead of consulting a licensed medical professional. No medical advice is being given. We DO NOT CLAIM to cure, treat, or prevent any illness or condition. Nor do our services provide medical advice or constitute a physician patient relationship. Contact a physician or other medical professional if you suspect that you are ill. Call emergency services (call 911 if available) or go to the nearest emergency room if an emergency is suspected. We are not responsible for any delays in care from using our website, our services, or for any other reason. We are not responsible for any consequential damages of any nature whatsoever. We make no warranties of any kind in connection with our writings or the use of or Treatment Scores are about what happened to patients studied in the past; they do not predict the future.

Copyright © 2015 Treatment Scores, Inc.

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